Realistic solutions for real people.
Let’s face it: Humans have many layers, from physical and psychological to social, mental, and spiritual factors. Simplistic solutions to health and well-being are short-sighted. That’s why we take a holistic approach — covering mind, body, and spirit — to help individuals navigate and implement the optimum path to vibrant health.
Working one-on-one with each employee or individual and in group settings for classes, seminars, and events, Dr. Underwood and Healthy Futures offer a challenging yet motivating — and ultimately transformational — experience. Using current scientific data, the individual’s data and each person’s natural healing capacity, we design actionable and customized plans based on a foundation of integrative lifestyle health.

Healthy Futures offers two levels of programs for organizations, with a third program for those with existing illnesses: our HealthLaunch program is for individuals getting started, and our Longevity in Action program is for people at an intermediate level. We offer a Disease Alleviation program for those with chronic illnesses.
Restoring Health. Advancing Well-Being.
We believe the complete experience of working with us — every single aspect of interaction and support — further sets our company apart. We are dedicated to every individual we serve, whether they are in a an organization or they are independent of an organization, for whom we create and monitor our programs. As such, we are guided by expertise, diligence, kindness, intuition, accountability, and confidentiality. Whether someone is health-conscious, has troubling sleep patterns, inadequate movement, poor food choices, or suffers from a chronic illness, each individual will make a different emotional connection with the Healthy Futures programs. What matters is that each makes a self-directed commitment to their health for an authentically better life: more energy, clarity, motivation, and a sense of belonging. We believe something life-altering happens when someone commits to their health and well-being.
Aligned With Your Values. Committed To The Journey.
We know that when individuals sign up for our individual, organizational and /or corporate programs and commit to taking on their health and well-being through nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications, they will benefit, over time, from an improved quality of life. Not just better, measurably better. That means improved health and increased energy, positivity, and performance. It is as much about stress reduction, social connection, and mindfulness as exercise, nutrition and other factors. Enhancing every area of people’s lives for a sustainable level of unimagined well-being.
The key to success for our programs is buy-in from the individual and or the organization. This is about an individual and or an organization committing to a culture of health, which must be aligned with its values. The well-being of every individual — from the most top-level manager to the most entry-level worker — must be valued. We’re committed to helping individuals as well as your organization make that happen and facilitating every person’s lifelong journey.